All mlms are bad business. They may not be illegal but they are definitely unethical. Another mlm similar to Primerica is World Financial Group who are also psycho about recruiting. I know this because I am a former WFG trainee associate and a highly educated college graduate. I want to be able to use my business skills other than just networking, recruiting, and sales.
Not only are Primerica obsessed with pushing their product and business opportunity onto their warm markets, they will push onto random people on legitimate professional social networking websites like LinkedIn. I got an email from a Colorado State University college drop out named Brian Dilley. Basically, he is just a leech trying to push me into his lame business opportunity and degrading me in the process. Primerica has an unprofessional sales force.
For a full discussion of con America, please see my blog; soon to be a website, LORD Willing. I most probably will be adding to it as I find out more. Thus far, I have only found the New York state attorney general { unconfirmed } with charges vs. con America. Nothing on the IRS, nor SEC, nor other States websites, INCLUDING NY state. The Utah attorney general shut down con America offices in 2006 or 2007, but that website has been shut down by con America apologists. This is FAR from impossible: had not been covering up for any body until con America came along. This one has been knocked down:Â... /> Litigation&sort=rank MY BLOG, FUTURE WEBSITE I HOPE AND PRAY: HTTP://NEXTAXPRO.WORDPRESS.COM
All mlms are bad business. They may not be illegal but they are definitely unethical. Another mlm similar to Primerica is World Financial Group who are also psycho about recruiting. I know this because I am a former WFG trainee associate and a highly educated college graduate. I want to be able to use my business skills other than just networking, recruiting, and sales.
ReplyDeleteNot only are Primerica obsessed with pushing their product and business opportunity onto their warm markets, they will push onto random people on legitimate professional social networking websites like LinkedIn. I got an email from a Colorado State University college drop out named Brian Dilley. Basically, he is just a leech trying to push me into his lame business opportunity and degrading me in the process. Primerica has an unprofessional sales force.
For a full discussion of con America, please see my blog; soon to be a website, LORD Willing. I most probably will be adding to it as I find out more. Thus far, I have only found the New York state attorney general { unconfirmed } with charges vs. con America. Nothing on the IRS, nor SEC, nor other States websites, INCLUDING NY state.
ReplyDeleteThe Utah attorney general shut down con America offices in 2006 or 2007, but that website has been shut down by con America apologists. This is FAR from impossible: had not been covering up for any body until con America came along.
This one has been knocked down:Â... /> Litigation&sort=rank